Sunday, April 4, 2010

"Cleaning" the Floor

For a long time Cecilia had a nemesis - the dust mop. This mop scared her, but nearly everyday Cecilia would approach this dust mop with a trusted companion (often Na-naw) and touch it. She would play with it, and Na-naw would carry her around and dust the floors. As time went on, Cecilia began to conquer this fear of the dust mop until, one special day, the fear was gone. We've noticed this bravery in her before. She gets scared of a lot of things, but she faces it and usually wins. Thus far, the mixer and blowdrier are still not conquered. Now that she has defeated the fear of the dustmop, she has found a new toy and a new game. She enjoys taking the spare dustmop and cleaning the floors. I got some pictures and video of this new activity!

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