The past 11 days has been quite a ride for the Swoboda family. Little Cecilia is a wonderful baby, but she does have some feeding issues. She hasn't been breastfeeding well, and not at all for the last week. We just got home from an appointment with the lactation consultant we've been using, and she has high hopes that Cecilia will eventually nurse well. For a while, we believed that the problem was suck confusion, but she took the breast at our appointment. She just has a lot of trouble latching because her jaw is tight. Our LC (Joan) recommended CranioSacral Therapy, which she says she's seen do wonders for babies with tight jaws. We have some things to try to help loosen her jaw and help her learn to open wide, and in the mean time we are continuing to finger-feed. Good news, though. She is back to her birth weight and beginning to self-regulate her feedings! It's a great thing!
I've put a few pictures up here, but you can see many more in our facebook album. The link to it is
Please send us any pictures you have, we can't get enough!
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