Saturday, October 17, 2009

And she sleeps...

The time is finally here! Our baby sleeps - at night! After weeks of difficult nights and days of a sleeping baby, we have hit upon the magic formula to put our baby to bed and keep her there. We do her bath around 8:00 pm. They we dress her in a long-sleeve cloth shirt and a sleep blanket. We turn out all the lights in the apartment, and we feed her. She is getting easier to get to sleep, too. She knows bedtime, and needs less soothing to sleep.

However, she has some funny characteristics when she soothes herself to sleep. Generally, she requires and bouncing, swaying motion accompanied by a variety of songs. We try to chose soothing songs, but occasionally we'll hit on something she very much dislikes. It turns out that "How Great Thou Art" is not one of her favorites. This process to get her to sleep works for naps too. As you sing to her, she will begin to sing along, sometimes chewing on a finger. Eventually, she'll continue singing with her eyes closed until she abruptly stops singing signaling that she's asleep.

Yes, as you may have thought, the process is also adorable. We caught some of it on video while I was putting her down for a nap. It is not my most flattering video, but the baby is too cute to pass up!

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