Friday, August 21, 2009


Celia got vaccines today. We decided to do the alternative vaccine schedule that Dr. Sears suggests because it is supposed to be a little easier on the little guys. The idea is to space the vaccines out. Well, today she was supposed to get her next round, but no one told the nurses what she was supposed to get. She ended up with 4 shots (HepB, IPV,), and I realized later that she just got was she missed from her first visit (if she was on the regular schedule) and not what we'd talked to the doctor about. I should have been more diligent with bringing the information and not assuming that our medical caretakers would know what they're doing. Anyway, poor Celia had a rough night. One of her legs got red and she was obviously sore, and she got a low fever. The next day she was really sleepy and ate a lot, and on Thursday she had a lower appetite and slept a lot too. Today she was more her old self, so the ordeal seems to be over. Next time, we'll be more on top of things.

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