Saturday, June 26, 2010

Cooperstown, NY and the Baseball Hall of Fame

For Ben's Father's Day trip, we went to Cooperstown, NY and saw the baseball Hall of Fame. I put a sampling of pictures here, but Ben posted more on Facebook. The first night we had a WONDERFUL time strolling down main street in Cooperstown. Cecilia loved the shop displays, and we ate at the Doubleday Cafe (good name, not quite good food).
The Cardinals were in 1st place in the standings. Yeah!

On the theme of loving to sit in things, Celia loved this Dino ride. We didn't have any quarters, so she just sat in it. She didn't care, though.

After dinner, we had some awesome ice cream sitting on a bench outside. It was one of those moments that was so perfect you just revel in it.

The next day we went right to the baseball Hall of Fame. We arrived around 10 am and walked through the whole thing, although we didn't spend as much time with the exhibits as we would have sans 1 year old. It was so enjoyable, though, and Celia couldn't get enough of the exhibits.

Ben teaching Celia to flip like the wizard!

She spent so much time walking, running, and being stimulated by things that she actually fell asleep in the archives. Sorry Stan the Man - she missed it.

Once again - Celia loves to sit in things. This chair was a big hit! We may have to get one.

She didn't quite get the concept of the head in the hole picture.

Celia on the car ride home - what a day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, the head in the picture one is hysterical! I adore her.
