Wednesday, November 18, 2009

6 Month Doctor's Appointment

Cecilia had her 6 months doctor's appiontment today. I uploaded her revised growth charts. It looks like her length is leveling off but her weight is holding steady. I question the length measurements, though. They stretch her out along a bumpy table, then hold a tape measure and measure the "crow's flight." As a scientist, I cannot believe it's accurate and it's probably off by an inch or so. They also screwed up the head circumference measurement. She recorded it as 41.3, but I was pretty sure it should be between 42 and 43 from what I could see. After the nurse left, I measured it myself and it was 42.3 cm which keeps her along the same growth curve instead of leveling off. I think Ben was a little appalled when I measured it myself, but I wanted to make sure her head was still growing.

weight: 18 lbs 9 oz; 91.32%
length: 26 in (or so they say); 60.49%
head: 41.3 cm (officially, really 42.3 cm); 18.6% (should be around 50%)

Yesterday I put a pony-tail on top of her head for the first time, too (is there a word for that?). It's in the picture we took a picture while we were waiting (cute!). Cecilia also got a DTaP shot, which didn't even make her cry. We have such a good girl! Leah (our doctor) was also impressed that she was hungry and tired and was still so happy and interactive. What a wonderful girl we've been blessed with. She was pronounced perfect.

6 months flies by so fast. She's now learning so quickly, and everyday brings development. Today, for example, she was trying out really loud sounds. I'd be sitting with her, and she'd look at me and just "speak" really loudly for a long time. Then she grinned at me. I wish I could capture every moment on video, but then we wouldn't be living it :). We're just so happy with our baby and couldn't love her more. Happy 6 months Cecilia!

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